- Malanyaon, Jaime T. Philippines: A History of the Bikol Region (Istorya kan Kabikolan). Naga City: AMS Press, 1992.
- Veyra, Jaime C. de and Ponce, Mariano, Efemerides Filipinas. Manila, 1914, Vol. I.
- Zaidem Gregorio F., "Fifteen Martyrs of Bicolandia". The Philippine Revolution. January 2, 1941. pp. 130-132.
- Aureus, Leon Ma., "The Fifteen Bicol Martyrs", The Philippines Herald Mid-week Magazine, January 11, 1933.
- Canciller, A.C. Mount Mayon, Stories and Poems. Naga City, 1936, pp. 21-25.
- Prieto, Nick V., "Bicol's Forgotten Martyrs", The Sunday Times Magazine, December 29, 1957.
- Mob of Naga City (passers by in the Plaza Quince Martires)
- Mr. Danilo A. Gerona (Historian)